Disclosure Statement

TheGoodDating is an open online resource that everybody can use for free.

Thegooddating.com articles are written and edited by The TGD [TheGoodDating] team, guest writers, and professional reviewers whom the owner invites to share their opinions on the site.


TheGoodDating uses a few forms of monetization, among which there is a place for affiliate marketing.

In other words, when you click a link presented in TheGoodDating.com, the owner of this website may receive compensation. It does not imply any additional expenses for you.
And, even though we receive payments for links placement, we still give our honest opinion on dating/relationships books, sites, or applications, and any other products/services, and never recommend topics having an affiliate program that could be harmful to our readers, as user confidence is our top priority.

We always choose quality over quantity and conduct thorough preliminary research, and we have no issue referring other people to a good product/service with an affiliate link.

We may follow the affiliate links to the advertiser’s products/services by adding this note {affiliate link}, or by adding a plain-text disclaimer on the top of the post.

The views and opinions expressed on this website are purely the bloggers’ own. Any product/service claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, vendor, or party in question.

This website may contain content that might present a conflict of interest, but probably won’t. If so, we will always identify the content as such.


The owner of this website accepts different forms of compensation: cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions, payments for advertising dating websites, applications, and books, or other forms of remuneration, so long as it meets the expectations of a trusted and helpful product/service.

The compensation received will never influence the content itself, rating, topics, or posts made in this blog. However, the level of remuneration may depend on the positioning of the products/services on our website pages.

We also monetize this website with certain advertising materials, including (but not limited to) banners/display ads, pop-ups, and video/audio materials. The textual content gets presented as creatively as that it can contain a certain number of wording exaggerations.

Other text links to an advertiser’s products/services may be categorized as “Advert” or “Sponsored Post”, are underlined differently, and pop-up a thumbnail of a related website of ‘interest’.

This policy is valid from October 19, 2021.

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