Woman Flirt With a Shy Guy

A Shy Guy Interests Me! Best Tips To Flirt With Him

We are often a little taken aback when we realize that we fell in love with a shy guy.

If you used to let men take the lead until then, you’re going to have to change your methods. But if you used to take the first step in getting the man you wanted, when you preferred it, then you’d have to adapt as well.

It takes a minimum of adaptation to make a shy guy feel confident with you.

You should take the first steps but rushing nothing. You always wait for the right moment without making the shy guy feel inferior to you. And don’t make him feel bad because it is you who takes the first step.
You should wait for the right moment. And remember that with a shy man, it’s all about measures.

Explore the shy guy self-confidence

If a man you’ve spotted seems shy around strangers, he probably isn’t around people he’s close. So you have to be one of those people. You have to succeed in making him let go, to be himself with you.

And for that, put him in confidence. If you are a girl who worries she is not used to taking the lead with seduction, you first need to make him a friend with you. Whether you are too used to being the couple’s seductress, try not to impress him too much and not to go too fast for him, lest he lock himself in even more.

My ultimate advice to give your man confidence would be simplicity. He must already take enough head to put his shyness in the closet. Do not complicate his life. You must be modest and pleasant.

Approach him with a smile on your face, with a simple hello, and you just strike up a conversation. If you are in the evening, ask the shy man for advice on a drink, for example.

You do not have to take the lead but on the contrary, be simple.

If both of you are shy and spend too much time thinking, you will get nothing done. So, try for now to keep it simple.


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Be careful when you naturally do things doesn’t mean being simple! Try to smooth out your temper so that there aren’t any waves in your future relationship.

It’s just your approach that has to be simple. Approach your shy prince with a smile and natural good humor. Start the conversation, let him speak, and be attentive to him. He must feel that you are a trusted person, a woman he could get along with.

Do not restrict your good mood. Even if the guy is shy, you may make a joke to cheer him up a little. He will understand that besides being a good guy, he can have fun with you. But above all, be yourself. Show him your actual personality. If you start your relationship the wrong way, you won’t get anywhere and break his trust in you.

Send him clear signals

Once you established trust, you need to move up a gear by sending him clear signals. Because unless you realize it is ultimately not as extraordinary as it seems. This situation of simple friends should not last too long at the risk of finding yourself stuck in his friend list.

It’s better than nothing, it’s true! But that was not your original goal, so make sure you get what you wanted. We will not tell you it will be fast: with a shy guy, you have to know how to calm your enthusiasm and slow down. In short: you have to learn how to be patient.

But being patient doesn’t mean trying anything at all. As you will notice, when you try to gain a shy man’s trust, it is often up to you to take the first step.

There is little reason for things to change: He now knows you like him as a friend, but he doesn’t even dare to imagine that you might have deeper feelings for him.


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A man who is shy in love will often believe you are inaccessible to him. You will then have to make him understand you are fully accessible. There is no secret to this: simplicity and clear signals. The shy guy must not overthink to know if he may have misinterpreted your actions.

To flirt with a shy man, start slowly, of course. You don’t have to rush him, or else he will turn in on himself. Take it slow, but obvious. Offer him an evening just for the two of you.

Have confidence in you, and he will certainly accept. Take advantage of this evening to make yourself beautiful. He’ll know it’s only for him. If you receive positive signals from him, you can try this first night to go further.

But wait for the next time, asap of course, so as not to rush him and give him time to think about you, to give him time to desire you.

Finally, once you gained his confidence, you only have to charm him like any man, adapting to his rhythm until he gets addicted to you.

Don’t put a shy guy down

This shy guy must feel a little uneasy about his trust issue, especially if he has been like this from a young age or if this hasn’t happened to him after a disappointment in love.

If he’s already feeling bad, he won’t appreciate any comment about it, even humorously. At least, not until he feels confident in himself and is very close to you.

So even if you finally find that cute, his little shy side, and that’s what made you fall for him, wait a bit before telling him. It would be a shame if your story ended with such a misunderstanding and an ego problem.

Once you well established your relationship, and you have already discussed it between yourselves. Your shy guy should know that it is this side of his personality that has finished making you fall for him. And no need to bring the subject back every day.

Although at first, he will know that you are not saying this to demean or hurt him, you may remind him too much that he will take it the wrong way.
So, even if whoever took the first steps to get started, remember to live your love story normally. That goes for all couples, don’t worry! If the two partners do not see each other as equals, it will always lead to conflict.

In a relationship, respect each other for your love story to continue. Neither partner should forget that without the other side, this story would not be what it is, and certainly not would be.

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